Visual Recognition


Rapid advances in Artificial Intelligence have made the applications to process countless digital images and videos. A considerable amount of digital data is being generated these days in the form of text, audio, video, and images, businesses must equip themselves competently to address the evolving demands of analytics-driven by this change. We merge the best of AI and Edge Computing to deliver actionable video and image insights to solve real world problems. Being the leading AI company, we integrate computer vision services as well as train models to identify specific places, people, and objects and categorize them to retrieve valuable information as well as analytics. With our custom-built computer vision apps and models, we help the businesses to reduce human effort, optimize operations and utilize this rich data to scale visual technology by inducing nested object classification, pattern recognition, image segmentation, object detection and more.

Our Visual Recognition Services

  • Image Segmentation: We offer the image segmentation services which involves segmenting an image into multiple homogeneous regions based on certain similarity parameters, so that each region can be individually analyzed and is different from its neighboring regions. With this categorization, it becomes easier to tag people, label objects, face recognition, traffic control, and several other tasks.
  • Contextual Image: As a part of our visual recognition services, we develop contextual image application in which the computers require a certain context to classify things and form a relationship between pixelated regions. This helps the computer to distinguish between signals and noise and pattern recognition can be performed.
  • Object Detection: We develop the object detection application and it is the first stage of intelligent image analysis. Each and every object around us has distinguishable properties that the software can use for classification. We combine this with an existing library of images and make the software to compare, learn and determine valuable techniques to locate similarities and differences and provide accurate detection results.
  • Face Recognition: Similar to object recognition, we develop the face recognition application. We further process the image to identify the person by comparing the facial data with existing data. These applications are used across industries like security, traffic management, manufacturing, HR management, security and so on.